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From clone to running a code base in under 5 minutes
If I can’t clone your repository and get the application running in under 5 minutes, you’re doing something wrong
What it takes to make legacy code bases rock solid
Another thing I realized last year is that I really love working on legacy code bases and making them rock solid.
About software estimation and planning
Estimates are almost always wrong and that’s fine. Just deal with that and prioritize accordingly.
10 problems that Event Sourcing can help you solve
I started thinking about the typical problems where I would use Event Sourcing. I came up with a couple of them, some more functional and some more technical.
Comparing objects with disparate members in Fluent Assertions
Some examples on how to use the new WithMapping API to compare objects with differently named properties or fields
How to use GitVersion to get sensible versioning
How combining the clarity of Semantic Versioning, a release strategy like GitFlow or GithubFlow and GitVersion gives you sensible and automatic artifact numbering