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How to properly test your HTTP API contracts in .NET
The route, the headers and the specific JSON returned by an HTTP API are the contract, and thus should be treated as such
Using docker to write automated tests against a real database
It’s 2023, so what if you could run SQL Server in a Linux docker container just before your tests start?
You can’t know everything (and where I get my knowledge from)
I don’t believe somebody can be really proficient in multiple platforms and programming languages, so invest in knowledge wisely.
How modern engineering principles reinforce each other
How modern engineering practices contribute to readability, testability, isolation, tracebility and discoverability.
An opinionated definition of “maintainable code”
I’ve been looking for a better way to explain the difference between a developer complaining about quality and a product owner or manager.
Merging Git repositories without losing history
With a bit of Git magic, it’s quite easy to merge the commits of one repository into a specific folder of another without losing the Git history