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Five minutes of fame at the TechEd Europe 2006

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Next week, I’m going to attend the 2006 edition of Microsoft’s TechED for Developers in Barcelona, a five-day conference with over 250 presentations and 3000+ visitors.For the first time ever, Microsoft offered everyone visiting the TechEd a chance to submit a three-minute video showing his or he...

October 30, 2006

I’m back!

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Well, because I’ve been very preoccupied with all kinds of things both personally and professionally, it has been a long while since I’ve posted. But I’m back! The contents of this blog will change considerably though. Recently, I’ve set-up a blog for my employer Ordina, so I’ll probably post all...

October 3, 2006

Superman is back!

1 minute read

Yesterday, me and Paul Dutmer (a colleague of mine), went to see Superman Returns in Pathé Scheveningen. I was afraid this one was going to be another poor attempt to bring an action comic to live, but I was so wrong. The X-Men series were on the top of my list of great conversions, followed by S...

August 15, 2006

Losing weight

less than 1 minute read

I’m in the second week of a diet from a book written by Sonja Bakker. I was a bit skeptical, but the many success stories made me decide to try it anyhow. Well, in exactly two weeks, I’ve lost 6.5 kilograms, even though I actually committed terrible sins twice (by eating sate and having a BBQ). B...

August 14, 2006

Time to make fun of me

less than 1 minute read

Last Thursday, my girlfriend had a tennis tournament, so we decided to go to the court early and have diner first. Because I had some short nights before, after finishing diner, I couldn’t resist closing my eyes for a few minutes. Unfortunately for me, there was a photographer around…

August 14, 2006

LinkedIn and Hyves profiles

less than 1 minute read

I’ve set-up a professional profile through LinkedIn and a more social profile through Hyves (although the latter is in Dutch only). Check them out if you want to know more about me.

August 10, 2006