Speaking engagements for the next months
I’m very happy that I’ll be speaking at a number of very nice local and international conferences.
- On Saturday March 26th, I’ll be joining the Dutch Code Camp event where I’ll be doing a chalk’n’talk on my Silverlight Cookbook initiative.

- On Wednesday, April 27th, I will talk at the Developer Days 2011 about improving the developer workflow with Microsoft’s ALM tools as part of the pre-conference track on Adopting Agile Practices. I might do another session on Caliburn Micro as part of the wildcard initiative, but that depends on whether I can get enough votes to be part of the last four.
- The highlight of the coming months will be the Norwegian Developers Conference in Oslo on June 8-10 where I’ll be doing two talks! I’ll be talking on The 10 Habits of Highly Effective Programmers at the same time as Oliver Sturm and Jeff Wilcox. And later on that, I’ll discuss best practices for writing first class unit tests at the same timeslot Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) and Rod Paddock will be talking. That sure is going to be a humbling experience.
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