Leaving Barcelona
I wonder how busy the Barcelona Airport is in the middle of the summer when all those people are transfered from and to coastal areas such as Calella, Lorett de Mar and Salou; it took us almost one hour just to check in. But Saturday afternoon, at around 15:30, I finally set foot on Dutch soil again. Damn, what a difference in weather conditions. It is only a two-hour flight, but we went from a sunny 20+ degrees Celcius to a windy and rainy 5-10 degrees. I think I'll immigrate to Spain when I have the time :-)
Friday evening, we concluded our stay in Barcelona with a nice outside dinner at the Plaza Real while enjoying a nice glass of beer. At around midnight we decided to go visit the Baja Beach club just outside the city center and meet up with some of the people we met during the TechED. It is quite funny to see that this club is using the exact same formula as the equally named club in Rotterdam. In fact, by now, I know that they have the same owner, so not a coincidence after all. Since we needed to be at the airport at 10:00, we left the club to go to bed at around 2:30 in the middle of the night.
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